Garage Band: Fang and their band, Worm Drama, are depicted practicing in a garage in one trailer.Foregone Conclusion: As stressed by the developers, the meteor can't be stopped and the dinosaurs will be wiped out.Flashback: Serving as a game mechanic, Fang's relationships with other characters will unlock flashbacks that Fang can recall.The End of the World as We Know It: The game's plot kicks in when during Fang's senior year, it's discovered the world is about to end, and Fang has to decide what they'll do with the time they have left.

Not to be confused with the South Korean film and manhwa Volcano High School. Official Trailers: Reveal Trailer, Teaser Trailer, Story Trailer. The game stars Lachlan Watson as Fang, Ozioma Akagha as Trish, Mark Whitten as Reed, Abe Bueno-Jallad as Naser, and Allegra Clark as Naomi. There are also Rhythm Game segments of Fang's music performances, designing the band's logo and promotional posters, composing music, and a Game Within a Game, "Legends & Lore". The game plays as an Adventure Game the player makes choices throughout the story that impact Fang's relationships with their friends and family, which can unlock new content based on decisions. Goodbye Volcano High is a cinematic narrative game about personal growth, acceptance, love, community, and the end of an era. With a meteor discovered heading to Earth that will wipe out almost all life, Fang is forced to live boldly and make hard choices with the short time they have left. For Fang, seeing how their bandmates' interests and friends have changed since the summer, senior year at Volcano High feels like everything they knew is coming to end. Set in a modern world of anthropomorphic dinosaurs, the game's story follows Fang, a nonbinary pterodactyl and aspiring musician.

It will be available digitally for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. It was originally set to be released sometime in 2021, but a narrative reboot and the struggle of working during a pandemic led to multiple delays, with a current release date of August 29, 2023. Goodbye Volcano High is an upcoming adventure game created by KO_OP. You ever feel like you're waiting for a sign? To do that thing you were always meant to do?